Thursday, February 22, 2018

A Poem By My Mother

Photo Credit: By ON at de.wikipedia
I often attribute my word artistry to my mother. She was a writer all her life, and whatever spurred that part of her was passed along to me. Whether by nature or nurture, her love for writing became mine as well. Her style of poetry was very traditional - rhyme and meter, rhyme and meter - and that's how I also write most of mine. I've tried more modern forms of poetry, but I'm never as satisfied with those attempts as I am when I sound more like Mom. This little untitled piece was in my Facebook memories this morning and I wanted to share it with you. 

Oh how I wish this could be done,
To reunite with people who've passed,
To gain back time that has been lost,
To make the special moments last.

But we must instead keep moving forward, 
Though the memories we won't forget.
Apply those lessons we've learned from the past,
And live fully, without regret.

I'd find the friends of days gone by
And the closeness we once knew.
I'd find the hopes, the plans, the dreams, 
The heart I lost to you. 

I'd find the innocence of youth,
My faith in fellowman.
I'd find a joy in simple things, 
The way I did back then.

I'd find such beauty in a rose
Or in a mountain view. 
I'd find the pleasures I have lost
In little things I do.

I'd take the bitter with the sweet,
I'd take the weeds with clover,
If I could turn the clock around
And start my life all over. 

Shirley Love
3/28/1936 - 8/31/2013

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